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What we do

Community Outreach

Friends share our stories with new and diverse audiences by participating in community events and forming partnerships.


Friends make history meaningful by supporting the development of education programs for students and adults.

Special Events & Programs

Friends develop and host memorable events and programs that celebrate Texas heritage.


Friends raise funds to support the Sites' education programs, historic preservation projects, and other needs.

Celebrating the Holidays

The Friends help you get into the holiday spirit with its annual Trail of Lights event. Visitors enjoy German-Texas Christmas traditions and unique light displays.

Honoring our German-Texan Heritage

Remembering Texans' Sacrifices 

Every September, the Friends host the Monument Hill Remembrance to honor the 52 soldiers of the Republic of Texas who are buried on Monument Hill.

Our Community Partners

The Friends of Kreische Brewery & Monument Hill State Historic Sites is one of several local organizations dedicated to Texas Heritage. We work together to support education and preservation efforts.

Texas Historical Commission

The Texas Historical Commission (THC) is the state agency for historic preservation. We save the real places that tell the real stories of Texas.

Friends of the Texas Historical Commission

Friends of the Texas Historical Commission partners with the Texas Historical Commission to preserve and protect the cultural heritage of Texas, securing private philanthropic resources to ensure a lasting legacy for future generations.

La Grange Main Street

The La Grange Main Street program will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2021! True grit, dreams, historic preservation of buildings and economic vitality lie at the heart of the Texas Historical Commission’s Main Street program. The overall goal of the Texas Main Street Program is to revitalize historic downtowns, thereby bringing the city’s center back to its historic location, creating community pride, and establishing a unique environment for all to enjoy.

Visit Fayette County

The Fayette County Tourism Association (FCTA) is a 501 (c) 6 organization whose purpose is to increase the economic and other benefits of tourism for Fayette County, Texas. By increasing the number of tourists, encouraging longer stays, and increasing the spending by tourists. FCTA strives to be the preferred source of tourism information for visitors to Fayette County.

Fayette County Historical Commission

The Fayette County Historical Commission's purpose is to identify and document local historical sites, persons and occurrences; attempt to preserve those sites that are endangered; and to promote local history.

Call or Email Us
Office: 979-968-5658

414 State Loop 92
La Grange, TX 78945

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